Monday, May 28, 2007


There you lay, on the ground
writhing in agony
immersed in pain

I stood above you, looking down
This was the moment I had long awaited
It was my turn to watch your heart bleed

Irony prevailed
as he did to you
what he did to me (because of you)

You deserved it
You needed it
I got to watch you fall

But I helped you up
It was I who wiped your tears
My feelings were a jumbled mess

I wanted to laugh
I wanted to gloat
But seeing you like that almost made me cry

Your pain was not by my hand so
why did I feel guilty?
Why couldn’t I just walk away?

Justice is ironic.
Pain is heartbreaking.
Revenge is…?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why can't I find a man like him?

With much affection, I can still picture him in my minds eye

He was just how I like 'em:
Strong, graceful, burly and (thats right) a beautiful shade of brown

When I needed to talk he was there to listen
He came when I needed him

I have yet to recall one instance when he got angry with me
When I came home, he would greet me at the door

Physically stronger than me, yet none so gentle
Intelligent, serious but playful as a child

His love and devotion expressed through his actions
He seemed completely content just being around me

He was the patient shoulder I cried on
He represented comfort, care and devotion

Why can't I find a man like our pet german shepherd?