Sunday, May 20, 2007

Why can't I find a man like him?

With much affection, I can still picture him in my minds eye

He was just how I like 'em:
Strong, graceful, burly and (thats right) a beautiful shade of brown

When I needed to talk he was there to listen
He came when I needed him

I have yet to recall one instance when he got angry with me
When I came home, he would greet me at the door

Physically stronger than me, yet none so gentle
Intelligent, serious but playful as a child

His love and devotion expressed through his actions
He seemed completely content just being around me

He was the patient shoulder I cried on
He represented comfort, care and devotion

Why can't I find a man like our pet german shepherd?


Blogger Vero V said...

seriusly! He was the perfect man...

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your dog,...well, I think you have high expectations..jk. ML

11:02 PM  

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