'Tis the season
Here it comes again: the time of the year I hate the most. Please make an effort to understand me here. I'm a Christian who loves the Lord very much, and I pray to be useful to Him and serve Him in any way that I can. But I do not believe in and/or celebrate Christmas. If you want to know why...read my top reasons (though there are a few more I chose not to include for the sake of the length of this blog). Some of the reasons I can't stand Christmas:
"Ho ho ho"
"Merry Christmas" or
"Happy Holidays"
Whats with these greetings anyway? I mean, really, who came up with ho ho ho? It's stupid. We all know it, but people would rather pretend that it's cool to preface everything they say with Merry Christmas than make a conscience effort to disengage themselves from the idiocy of the tradition. You need some groceries? Fine, no problem. But there is no need to start by wishing me happy holidays before you ask where the toothpaste is. You say it me, and if I don't reciprocate, I get treated as if I'm rude. Don't push your traditions on me. There are plenty of people who don't celebrate Christmas in this country. A lot of them aren't even Christians, so why should Americans force it on them? And some of us ARE Christian, and don't celebrate Christmas either, because we know better than to conform to some non-Biblical-ritualistic- idolatrous-mindlessly traditional holiday just because everyone else does it. --- It’s everywhere you go. You can’t forget its Christmas. You can't pretend you didn’t notice all the glitter. You can’t leave your house without being blasted by someone who thinks you actually care if they wish you a happy holiday. There is no Christmas spirit. It’s a lie, like almost everything else about Christmas.
Lies lies lies. Speaking of lies, lets hurry and tell little Tommy that there actually IS a real man who dresses like an idiot, has a phony method of transportation, and somehow manages to break into peoples homes by sliding down their chimney to deposit perfectly wrapped gifts under the tree so when we all wake up on Christmas morning, we can unwrap them and have a merry ole time. Never mind that Mommy and Daddy have been working overtime for the last month but have no extra savings to account for it. And please try to ignore the price tags on the clothing, or the fact that everyone has to go back to the stores to return or exchange items because Santa made a boo boo and Tommy wears a small, not a medium. But don’t dream of telling your children the truth, you wouldn’t want to psychologically impair them by not keeping up the lie. And don’t mention the fact that they might actually believe you and inevitably get verbally bashed by their peers in school the next day as they proudly show off their new acquisitions. Trust and honesty have no place in this holiday.
Christmas is Biblically incorrect. Don't argue with me, I know what I'm talking about. Jesus never left any instructions that we should celebrate His birthday. He taught a lot of things, but a fat man in a red suit wasn't one of them. In fact, the customs of Christmas pre-date the birth of Jesus Christ. Since it was noted by the pre-Christian Romans and other pagans that daylight began to increase after December 22nd (the day they assumed that the sun god died), when daylight began to increase again, they chose to believe that their sun god had risen from the dead as the new-born and venerable sun. So there was excitement and celebration, gift giving and merriment, all for some sun-god dude. Did you know that the evergreen tree is a phallic symbol for fertility worship, and mistletoes were hung in doorways of temples and homes to invoke powers of fertility in those who stood beneath and kissed, causing the spirits of the god and goddess to enter them? The word "Christmas" is a combination of the words "Christ" and "
Christmas is historically incorrect. Not only is Christmas Biblically incorrect, it’s historically incorrect as well. The date of December 25th comes from
Christmas songs get stuck in my head. Not only do I normally not like them, but when I walk into the gas station to pay and in that short amount of time some stupid jingle gets stuck in my head for hours on end, it frustrates me like no other. Why do people have to sing about being happy? Why do they have to sing about Santa and reindeer and gifts and stuff? If you people like it so much, just do it and stop singing about it. I'm telling you right now, people who are THAT jolly are covering up for something else. Possibly that they are not in fact as happy as they want to appear? If you're happy, I'm happy for you. But if you're pretending to be happy and trying to convince me, it's not gonna work, and you'll just irritate me. --- Oh, and then everyone gets involved. Suddenly celebs want to sing about it as well, so we have more and more songs adding to this great collection of songs on a very over done topic. So the melody gets stuck in your head, the commercial jingles get stuck in your head, people are walking around upset about something but trying to hide it underneath their "christmas spirit", and you cant think straight because you've got frosty the snowman doings rounds in your head. So you leave the store, get in the car and turn on the radio to help wash the garbage out, only to find that your favorite radio stations are compromised as a result of this dreaded holiday! What do you get? Not the latest from P. Diddy, no sir, you get something about Santa sliding down the chimney tonight. Auuuuuugh!!!
Much appreciation faithful readers, for your patronage in this matter. I also must encourage you to comment, as everyone can regardless of any allegiance to this website.
Okay. That's a bunch of crap! Santa Claus is fuckin' real and ain't nobody gonna tell me otherwise!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
woa, i had no idea. i actually believe everything that is told to me so I thought that
1. Santa is real
2. Jesus wanted us to celebrate Christmas
3. Christmas is Jesus's birthday
Normally, I wouldn't believe you but you said "Don't argue with me, I know what I'm talking about" So, now I am compelled to believe you! I think...
I'm so confused!
anyway, continue to educate the ignorant.
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Okay... Um... We'll talk about this later becuz I'm on a laptop. But uh... yeah...
wow dude. you're in russia right now, so you probably won't see this until a month later, but wow. i can see the 4th termer in you when i read that whole spiel man.... i mean the Biblical explanations part, not the rage part. ha ha. i have a lot to say about all that, but this is only a comment space. breathe in with the love and out with the jive man. people believe what makes them happy. it's sometimes easier to live that way. wisdom, not knowledge, comes when we're open. hope you're doing well in russia my buca.
wow, that's a lot of information to take in...and I am not sure what to say...but it is a great enlightenment. There will always be things you dislike about a holiday or a way of life, and not celebrating is your choice...take advantage of your free will! Also, I must say, as a person who use to believe in the big fat red dude, it has the potential to mess a child up, not to mention the distrust I had for my parents after I found out the truth...ML
interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
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