Rude behavior
I drive you somewhere cuz you don't have a car... we get there and before I put the car in park, turn off the engine, unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car, you've already walked away. You don't pause to wait for me, or even glance behind you to make sure I'm still there; leaving me to trail behind you like a toddler after his mommy at the market.
Is that rude or what?
I make an offhand comment to you, ask you a question, or make a little joke. Not only do you not respond to me verbally, but you don’t make any kind of gesture physically or otherwise to indicate that you even heard me, even though it would be impossible for you not to hear me, as we are in such close proximity. So...what? You just don’t feel like responding?
Is that rude or what?
We're walking together somewhere. You either walk about two steps ahead of me, or two steps behind me. You can't just walk with me, next to me. So, I catch up, or I stop to let you catch up. You don't get it. You don’t see it. We walk together for maybe four to five steps before you are lagging behind, or rush ahead again. Now I don’t understand. Are you mad at me? Do you not want to be seen walking with me? Does my breath stink? So, now I tell you. "Hey, why don't catch up with me, and we can walk together". I say this pleasantly, in a nice tone of voice so as not to offend you. don't respond, and you keep walking slowly.
What the F&*%?
We share a room. It's a small room and we both have alot of stuff. You come home, and put your purse down in front of the dresser. You take off your clothes to change, and leave your clothes on the floor by the door, and your shoes on the track the closet door rolls on to close. You decide to study, so you pull the chair away from your desk, sit down, and study. When you're done studying, you get up, take out your radio and lay on your bed. After a while, you decide to sleep so you put the radio on the floor next to the clothes. Later, you wake up and decide to go exercise. You open the top drawers of the dresser and pull out your work-out clothes, and dump the ones you're wearing on the floor. When you get back, you go take a shower, leaving your work out clothes on the floor as well. ---
I get home. I open the door to the bedroom, and it’s immediately jammed because of all the clothes on the floor. I push it back and step in the room to survey the array of clothes, shoes and books all over the carpet. I step inside, and immediately step on your radio which is wrapped in your sports bra. Ew. I try to open the closet so I can put my jacket away, but it’s jammed because you left your shoes on the closet door track, and now I have to move your shoes. I put away my sweater and go to the dresser to get my workout clothes, but I can’t open the bottom drawers (my drawers) because your purse is blocking them, and the contents are spilling over. I move your purse, and when I bend down to get my clothes out, I hit my head on the drawers because you left them open, with all the contents practically falling out. I get my clothes and go to my side of the room to change, but I have to be careful to step over all your stuff on the floor. I have to push in your chair to your desk, because it's blocking the only walkway to my side. I get there, change and before I can leave, you walk in. You're wrapped only in a towel, and you choose to get dressed in the only spot on the room without clothes on the floor, the walkway from my side of the room to the door. So, I slowly walk towards you, jiggling my keys in my hand (the universal I'm leaving sound) but stop in front of you, hoping you will see I'm trying to get past you. You don’t even look at me, you just continue to put on your underwear. So I say, "scuse me". You don't respond. You don't even move or acknowledge my presence. So I say, "EXCUSE ME!" and then you move ten degrees to the left, which does not help me out at all. So, I close my eyes and push past you. With all the irritation you can possibly muster, you ask, "Why are you all up in my space?!?"
Wow! Girl needs some serious adjustment. You should move her stuff around without telling her. That way she never knows where anything is....
Someone need to put her in her place... *cough*
I agree with both. Rude people are so annoying... someone needs to rearrange all their shit so that they can't find anything.
you know what else is rude?
calling people an ASS randomly on their blog.
yup. that is superfucking rude.
Awww Ali baby., don't be mad.
It's not's me. See...I really love animals, and in your blog you were mean to them, so I commented. Lets kiss and make up, eh?
Oooh! I wanna see that!
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